Our Services

Shields Nursing Centers are proud to offer a wound care physician and psychologist, in addition to our medical director and excellent staff. We take great pride in our patient care. Our treatment programs assist residents in preserving their independence, dignity and quality of life.

Clinical Care
Post Surgical Care, Intravenous Therapy, Tracheotomy Care, Pain Management, Parenteral TPN/PPN Therapy.

Wound Care
Wound care surgeon on staff that provides ongoing wound care. Clinical treatment for surgical incisions, pressure ulcers, diabetic wounds and stasis ulcers.

Custodial Care
Daily assistance for our residents that need help as their activities become diminished: grooming, showering, eating and dressing.

Hospice Care
Palliative care for our residents in final stages of life, supported by our team of nurses, social service department, clergy or an assigned hospice agency.

Respite Care Programs
Short-term stays provide families and caregivers with the opportunity to take a vacation or a break from the daily demands of care-giving. Minimum stay – one week.

Activity Programs
A wide variety of satisfying, enjoyable and stimulating activities are designed to meet the specific needs and wishes of our residents: religious services, socials, movies, outings, music, exercise, games, candlelight dining events, sporting events and much more.

Social Services
Individual and family assistance with transportation, financial questions and community referral resources. Discharge planning to the home or back to the community. Psychological counseling provided by referral.

Our dietary department provides nutritious and appetizing meals, special therapeutic diets and feeding programs. Alternate meal choices and Select Menu are available.
Advanced Therapies, Compassionate Care.
It’s what you expect from our family environment and it is our commitment to residents, families, other health facilities and the community.